Friday, May 22, 2009

Oh Snap

In addition to my addiction to Lifetime and reality television appearing on the wonderful channels MTV and VH1, I also highly enjoy the other kind of reality television. This being the "true life" stuff. You know, the stuff that chronicles drug addicts, murders, crime scenes, women behind bars, women that "snap." All the shows that make my boyfriend thinking "Is she watching this to get tips on how to off me?" (No, honey, you are safe. I mean I don't have my diamond yet so you're in the clear...for now. :) JUST KIDDING!!!!)

I don't know what it is. I always flip to either WE (for Snapped), MSNBC on the weekends when they air old Dateline specials or my new favorite Channel 114 which is all the time crime. But why the obsession?

Well, I personally think it's because you know it's real and you get to see it all play out. I mean you can see snapshots, listen to interviews and see the aftermath of otherwise fully functioning human beings that decide one day they must kill. It's insane. It's the same phenomenon that forces us to stare at car accidents. We feel morbid for doing it, but yet we can't peel our eyes away. Personally, I am intrigued by these otherwise normal people, with normal or above normal lives that have all these lurking demons and then "snap." How did they get to that point? Why did they think that was the only solution? And, how in today's world did they ever think they wouldn't get caught? I mean here's a tip people. When you decide to kill your sister for sleeping with your husband don't do an Internet search for how to kill with arsenic two days before the murder and then contact your college roommate via email who works in a pharmacy to request a large amount of arsenic to kill some pesky insects. Guess what? You're going to get caught.

My addiction has gotten so bad my lovely other half refuses to watch these shows with me. He asked me why I can't watch shows about models or growing flowers. Because they are boring! (Unless of course a model has an eating disorder and lashes out at another contestant for stealing her Pop Tarts. That=entertaining.) At the end of the day it is not my desire to act out these scenarios I see so eloquently portrayed by paid actresses, but the need to see their lives unfold in front of me. (I said I was nosy, ok?) I'm a life peeper. And when I can't do it on Facebook I figure watching crazy women on TV is the next best thing. Hey, maybe I'll see an accident on the way home too. :)

So, as long as women kill their husbands, are addicted to drugs and Dateline reports it, I'll be watching. And if Dateline pulls out, Lifetime will always make a movie out of it.

(And no, honey, I am NOT going to kill you, poison you, or anything else. Remember, we need the arsenic being delivered this weekend to kill the moles. KIDDING.)

1 comment:

  1. And people wonder why I get nervous at night???
