Friday, May 29, 2009

Sex and the City Movie: Part 1

As I was reading an article the other day about the release of Sex and the City 2 (coming to theaters near you in May 2010), I began asking myself, "I wonder how many women went and saw that movie?" I mean it was a must see for me, and a must purchase. My amazingly, wonderful boyfriend even bought me a SATC poster to hang in our TV room. (Yeah, us real fans say SATC.) But before we find out how many women went and saw it (yes, I'm part dork so I figured that out too) let me tell you my thoughts on SATC.

My first exposure to the show was my suitemate my sophomore year watching it almost every night and doing the little dance to the theme show music. At first, I'll admit, I thought her a big odd. But after watching the show, you have to admit, there is something ab it alluring about the theme music. You do want to dance when you hear it. Well, I do, but I dance to everything. (Yes,'s dancing). But, moving on.

At this juncture I had never watched the show. But, then, one night sitting at my friend's house who HBO on demand before I even had digital cable I started watching it. I now find it a bit odd, but as she fell asleep on her couch at 2 am I continued to sit at her house and watch every episode of the 6th season. Of course, I fell in love with the girls, Steve and Big and hated that really weird old guy Carrie was dating. Thank god Big saved her. And that was it. I was hooked. So that summer after my senior year of college I would work 10-2, go home and watch SATC over a few glasses of wine, hit up the pool and then hit up the bars. It was the greatest summer. I quickly went through the entire six seasons in a few weeks. And ever since, I can't fathom those women who have not watched the show. It is, in my opinion, impossible not to identify with one of the four ladies. Or a mixture. Come on, everybody has said I'm part Carrie and part Charlotte. Or part Miranda and part Samantha. And we all have one of our best friends who without we know is Samantha. And, after we all had our love affair with SATC the show was heart breakingly cancelled, although I think we all felt good about where we left our friends.

But, then, wait for it, we found out about the movie! Where could we go from here? Would Carrie and Big still be together? Would Miranda have another baby? What would happen to Charlotte and Harry? Oh, the anticipation. Now, the movie, although some of the happiest hours I've spent in the past few years (sad isn't it?) was sort of a let down in my opinion. I won't give any of the details away in case you haven't watched it, but I wanted more from the gals. There were funny parts, there were serious parts, but I felt worse about the ladies after watching it. That was the joy of the show. You always felt they were having fun and had each other no matter what. I wasn't sure I felt that way after watching the movie. But, we have movie #2 due out within the year so hopefully we can turn this around and have the fabulous four wonderful yet again. Although, they really always are fabulous. Until next May, I shall always have my series DVDs and movie #1 to get me through the rough patches. (And a bottle of wine of course).

So, back to the question. How many women actually saw the movie? For the sake of argument, let's assume only women saw the money, although I know this is not true because I saw a few poor boyfriends who wanted a little sumthin sumthin in the theater when I went. But for numbers purposes, say it was all ladies.

Female population 15-44: 71,584,872
Approximate tickets purchased: 21,260,064

When you do the math, that equates to 30% of the female population having gone to see this movie in the theater. That's almost 1/3 of every female 15-44! Insane. It's not exact, but kinda crazy to think about regardless.

I wonder where we will go from here? I don't know where we will go, but I shall be there...flirtini and pink shoes in hand (and feet).

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