Saturday, July 3, 2010

Weeks and counting...

So, Jersey Shore is almost back for Season 2, which takes us down to Miami with our favorite cast members. I read they are bringing Angelina back, which I am not too happy about, but they didn't ask me so I guess that's where we, leave that.

I have to say, I am so excited about the re-emergence of the Shore to my life. I follow some of the peeps on Twitter (yes, I've tweeted them a few times with no response...what's up with that Snooki??), so I kinda know what's been going down since they got back. Snooki is searching juiceheads and the Situation has released some song on iTunes, which he thinks is going to take off. He does say "the Situation" a lot in his song, which has a certain ring to it. Rolls right off the tongue. But after a quick search I realized the single is $2.97 which is way too step to hearing him rap about his abs.

I was sent the following link, which gives us a preview of the season to come. It had me laughing out loud so I feel it is my job to share it with you. Having not seen any of the episodes or even the trailer, I can't give my take yet. But, you can rest assured that when the new season debuts on July 29 I shall provide commentary on what I believe to be is the best trashy show of the last few years. Maybe the lat two decades, but Rock of Love and Flavor of Love give some good competition so I'm leaving the verdict out for now.

On a side note, I considered linking from some words, but really thought you needed to see the link name to get the full effect.

GTL. Fist pumps. Creeping. Grenades. I CANNOT WAIT!

Thursday, May 27, 2010

I didn't make the rules, I just follow them

In Mrs. Crosier's 6th and 8th grade English classes, we had to diagram a sentence every night. Now, to be honest, I thought this was the stupidest thing I'd ever heard. Grammar was not something I thought I needed to know and it surely wasn't something I waned to know. As far as I could tell I was fine with some subject verb agreement. Other than that, it was never going to impact my life or my career.

Fast forward to college and I, the one who didn't care about grammar, majored in journalism. I had to pass a spelling and grammar test just to get my piece of paper indicating my high degree of knowledge. And, it was hard. At this point in my life I knew and respected the benefits of effective communication, but it wasn't that big of a deal. But let me tell you. It is now a very big deal. As in, I talk about it with Allison about 2 hours of each day. I don't always get the rules right (in fact, I can't remember some of them), but seriously people, can we please use try to follow the rules of the English language? Even if we didn't write the rules, we can surely follow, right?

Offenses I cannot tolerate.

1) I know it's a digital era. I too say "u" for "you" in the occasional text. But in an email, that you are typing from computer SPELL OUT WORDS! I don't want an email from you that says, "U r 2 gud @ bng l8." When what you want to say is "You are too good at being late." When you email with that nonsense you look stupid. Or 13. Use letters. Use words. It's okay, really.

2) An ellipsis is fun, sure. Who doesn't love a ... However, a ellipsis is not a period. I don't really know when you should use this thing and when you shouldn't, but what I know is that it does not believe at the end of a sentence to serve as the indication of "my thought is now finished." And, moreover, do not use this punctuation symbol for the end of every sentence. My name is Ann...I live in Raleigh...I work in marketing...I have two cats... I can't begin to say how annoying that is and how incorrect. I mean, do you realize you just spent more time to put a lot of extra periods in when you could have stopped with one and actually been correct? Knock it off people.

3) Capitalization. You can't just make a letter capital because you want to. I have Cats. Nope. I don't. I have cats. Why a capital C? If it's not a name or being used as a title probably just don't cap it. Lowercase letters need love too. However, I must say that if it should be capital, make it so.

4) Oh the comma. Again, I don't really know the rules, but I know that we don't need them every other word. It's not like, "Hmmm, I'm not sure if we need a comma here so I better put one in for good measure." No, just go look it up. Or, ask someone who know. And, if you don't know, you can probably leave it out and nothing will be hurt. Too many commas makes it hard to read, is wrong and again, makes you look stupid. Remove your right hand middle finger and type away from the comma.

5) A little trickier, but match your subject with your verb. When you have a subject followed by a prepositional phrase it can be tricky I know, especially if the subject is singular and the object of the preposition is plural. You get all confused you don't know what to do. Here's what you do. Do what Mrs. Crosier taught you and find your sentence subject and match your verb to it!

6) Plurals need an s. 5th and 6th periodS. We are talking about two periods, both the 5th and 6th ones. SisterS in law. We are talking two sisters, not two laws.

I don't know many of the rules, but at least I know enough to ask Allison when I'm not sure. It's a sore subject can you tell? Grammar and punctuation rules can be your friend. The aren't here to harm you. Invite them in your life, let them stay a while and soon they be like tarot cards telling you exactly what to do and when. Whew, I feel better.

One last thing. Thank you Mrs. Crosier, who is never going to see this. Diagramming a sentence is fun and very necessary. Thank you for making me do it for two years, every night. As a random side note, prepositional phrases were always my favorite. And, to be honest, they really still are.

Wednesday, May 19, 2010

The storm has passed...

I had intended to post my follow up last night after I had my fun procedures done, but I was drugged enough for a family of five so I was unable to do much except sleep and make an idiot of myself. Details to follow.

I arrived promptly at 9:30 am, no make up on per their request. Coupled with my be head (although it was clean) and my frowny face I must have looked like a super eager beaver. The first nurse (one of two that I remember) came to take me back and get me all ready. I asked her, had to be, no less than about 200 questions ranging from "Have you had this done?" to "Do you think I could die?" (Yes, I asked the nurse if I could die from a colonoscopy.) Finally after putting on my robe thing and forcing myself not to leave she finally got an IV hooked up in my hand. At this point, I'm obnoxious. I tell her that my hand hurts, could she move the IV, I'm not sure she took the needle out, I still feel normal, etc. She quickly passed me off to another nurse.

Enter nurse #2. I ask her to promise me she won't let me die because I can't imagine a worse way to go. She promises. I ask a bunch of other ridiculous questions and start talking nonsense just to make my nervousness go away. You know that "Hey, I bet you see some really crazy people in here?" conversation starters when really I know she's thinking, "Yeah crazy people like you lady." Dr. Upper Endoscopy (forgot his name) is going to do his part first. Five minutes they say. Then twenty for the colonoscopy and I'm done. They wheel me in his room and it's just me and the nurse. Before she gives me the drugs I say, "I mean you're going to wait till I'm out of it to do this stuff, right? Cause right now I know what's going on and I don't want to have this done right now." Again, she assures me I'm fine. I see the doc, he gives the green light to give me the "fall asleep" meds, which apparently have pain killers, amnesia producing agents, relaxants, fall asleep stuff and all this other junk to knock you on your ass. (HA! on my pun intended) I see her put the thing in my IV and remember saying, "Wow that does wo... (rk really fast is what I would have said had I not been out like a corpse.

What I remember after that is essentially non-existent until around 6 pm. I think I was really obnoxious. My mom said I refused any help. Typical. Was back talking people because I "knew" best. Again, typical. And, my favorite, set next steps with the doctor about 8 times. I needed to understand who was to call who, when this call would take place, what information we would have, etc. A good project manager, even knocked out. Nice. On the way home I proceeded to make a call. Lovely. I can only imagine how that one went over. I made it to the couch and was out. So much for my big lunch.

Apparently, I tried to Skype Leslie who is a doctor at work. She declined and started typing to me. This was my response: im home but SO out of it;gotha ''

That's not even edited for effect.

Finally had dinner and then watched The Biggest Loser before passing out again. And, those were the events of colonoscopy/endoscopy day.

The center called today to check on me. I asked the person to please thank the nurses who put up with me. God knows they earned their paycheck yesterday. I await my call from my doc tomorrow on the results, but we do know is my upper endoscopy was perfectly normal. My colonoscopy on the other hand pretty much showed I have some condition, he just doesn't know what. Let's hope it's something that requires me to eat a lot of ranch. That wouldn't be so bad.

For the next ten days I have to avoid all my favorite thing: wine, coffee and fat. So now, here I am, 4 pounds lighter, forced to eat fruits and veggies. This could be the worst part. (Ok, not really. Clearly drinking the salt water was worse.) But for any of those who are wondering, today, I can't tell anything was done. I feel perfectly fine. I don't know how that is possible but it is.

If anybody wants to see pictures of my upper or GI lower tract, let me know. That was my take home prize. I gotta say though, my upper GI is pretty hot. Best looking tract I've ever seen.

May none of you experience this for a long while. But if you have to, it could be worse. You could be the nurse having to put up with me while I am having it done.

Tuesday, May 18, 2010

And the sh*t storm begins...

Typically I try to keep my blog focused on entertainment news, analyses, movie reviews, celebrity trivia and pretty much what I think about the vast entertainment world we live in. Today, I take a slight wrong turn, but given that it is the entertainment that is my life I think it works.

Today I will arrive at an outpatient surgery center to undergo an endoscopy and colonoscopy. Yes, at the tender age of 28 I will be put under and prodded for what are normal your typical "grandma" procedures. To save some dignity I won't go into detail on the why circumstances of the need for these procedures, but I need some up side to having to have this done. Being able to blog about it, is an upside for me. Makes me feel like a younger Katie Couric (except the cameras will be left outside the room).

Let's recap this process starting Sunday. I was instructed to take two Dulcolax on Sunday night. I had not heard anything about these affecting anyone right away (or at all really) so I think this is going to be smooth sailing. With my last meal for about 48 years eaten, I take the tablets, begin to dread these procedures a little more and head to bed. After reading the paperwork one more time before bed, I see that they want me to mix the solution to drink the morning of the day before. Since it's me I have not filled this prescription and make a mental note to get up first thing to do this.

Monday, 8:00 am. I head to Walgreens to get this thing filled. As I sit and wait to come home with my jug filled with what can only be described as ocean water (oh but it comes with flavor packs--this is supposed to be a selling point I think) the tablets begin to work. I won't go into detail, but this is not good. I'm at Walgreens.

So, I get home, mix my stuff, put it in the frig (the pharmacist tells me to put it in frig so it tastes better although she then tells me she has never tried this stuff) and at this point want nothing more than to go to work. I can't. I'm stuck. Two hours later I'm on the way to work. And this is not one of those "This is awesome. Now I'll only have a 6 hour workday" moments.

On the way, I tell my mom about my morning. But before I recap that conversation let me also say that as part of the prep you can only have a liquid diet the day before. No milk, no coffee creamer. My food options are Jello and broth. Neither of these do I consider a meal. Fast forward to the conversation with my mom. She means well and tries to make this all sound "fun." She tells me "We can make pineapple Jello! It will be so good." No mom, pineapple Jello for dinner is not good. I tell her I used the cherry flavor mix in to which I hit a sore spot and get an ear full. Apparently her insurance company would not pay for a flavor, and she refused to pay $25 to have it added so she was none to pleased with her solution. She asks me to save my extra flavors so she can use it next time. That seems not only weird and super cheap, but like it might not be safe. Regardless, I ask, "When is your next procedure?" (I'm thinking it's this year since she has asked for flavor packets.) Her response, "In about 10 years." I'm speechless. I have been asked to save colonoscopy flavor mix-ins for 10 years.

As if that wasn't enough she tells me she saved her jug. Saved the jug. To water the plants. After I pick my embarrassment off the floor and tell her how crazy this is, I actually think to myself (which I think is the worst part of all of this), "You know, that would make watering my flowers easier. Maybe I'll save my jug." I guess the apple doesn't fall from the tree. And it seems our tree was watered with a jug someone used for their colonoscopy mixture stuff.

Last night at 6, I start drinking this stuff. They say drink an 8 oz glass about every 10-15 minutes, for 2 hours. I don't drink but about 2 glasses of fluid a day so I know this is going to be hard. I start, trying to guzzle when I can, pretending I'm playing beer pong or flip cup, but ocean water with a hint of cherry really is not the same. I start thinking I could add some vodka. It's a clear liquid. I assume, even though it's not on the paper, that this is not recommended and continue to gag this liquid down. I get to the last sip, swallow and it comes back. I am done at this point. They can say what they want because this sip is going into the Wake County water system, not the Ann Panaro digestive system.

It starts working. It's unpleasant, but not as bad as having to drink the Atlantic. I finally fall asleep around 11:30, but still wake up about every 30 minutes for some emergency stops. (No, it is not pretty, but it happens, which is why I've decided to share my journey with you.)

I have to be there at 9:30. I'm still contemplating how I can get out of this. What if I don't wake up? There cannot be a worse way to go. I do know one thing. The first thing I will do is eat. And not pineapple Jello. Losing a few pounds could make this thing worthwhile, but that probably won't happen, given my luck. I mean the luck of having to have this done at 28 is not in your favor.

Long story short: people have to have this done. People of all ages and sizes. And it pretty much sucks so I figured I'd talk about it. It's a little (ok maybe a lot) entertaining. And, around noon when this is behind me (no pun intended) I think I might laugh. Maybe not laugh, but certainly be a little more entertained by this whole thing. At this point, I am less than amused and just a whole lot not looking forward to this morning.

Happy Colonoscopy and Endoscopy Day!

Sunday, May 9, 2010

Letters to Juliet...completely worth the read and the watch

After an extended sabbatical from blogging (in particular my movie review), I have decided it's time time a much demanded return. (Not really "demanded," but I have pumped myself up to believe that to be the case.)

Today, for Mother's Day, my mom and I went to see "Letters to Juliet." It was a sneak peak (not scheduled to fully release until May 14) so I feel pretty entertainment savvy in my review. I mean, I'm pretty much ahead of the game and totally in the know. The movie, completely adorable and worth seeing, with your girl friends. Ladies, don't take your man to this movie. It would just be kinda tortuous for them. And, we all know you'd have to pay for it later, in some shape or form. So, grab your closest girl friend(s) and go see this movie. It's a heartwarming story, with of course a happy ending and filled with beautiful scenery.

Let's me paint the scene for you. The main girl character is an aspiring writer, but stuck with doing the grunt work for the newspaper where she works. She and her fiance, the kind of guy we have all dated who has more time for what he's into than for us, go off to Italy for a "pre-wedding honeymoon." Off they go, and then off he goes. She is left alone, in the romantic place on Earth (at least if you ask me). She goes to the Juliet wall, sees a letter a woman wrote 50 years prior detailing her mistake of not meeting her one true love. Sophie writes back, Claire and her grandson show up, and off the three go on a search for the one true love. Along the way, Sophie of course falls in love with the grandson, but the ever-so-absent fiance poses a problem and Sophie leaves Italy without her (what we are led to believe) one true love.

Sophie, simply fabulous. She's sweet, doe-eyed, a true romantic and so adorable. Claire, the woman who wrote the letter Sophie responded to, is stunning, funny and a vulnerable woman searching for her love, but unsure where her path will take her. The grandson brings comedy and humor to this film I didn't expect, nor did I see coming. But it's his comedic presence that puts this movie over the top for me. Starting as a skeptic and ending as a hopeless romantic, he's the guy we all hope to run into on our vacation. Unfortunately, if you're anything like me, you end up being stalked in Hallmark by the 40 year old man who after shopping for 10 minutes said he found what he was looking for because he found his inspiration, which just happened to be me. I never get the great looking, sensitive, smart 30 year old. Oh well, there's always tomorrow.

And, all set in the beautiful Italian countryside, which only makes me realize I need to go there even more than I thought.

It's a great movie. And certainly worth going to see. I plan to see it once it hits theaters, and then probably purchase it to watch in line with The Holiday and Under the Tuscan Sun.

I give it 4 pops, most definitely with a Snicker bar.

Tuesday, April 6, 2010

Pretty much is the yellow brick road...and everything else

In all North Carolina cities, at the very least, east of Chapel Hill a lovely blanket of pollen has blanketed the area leaving nothing untouched. It is like a continuous dusting of snow, but instead of the beautiful white winter wonderland left behind by snow, we are left with a powdery, yellow blanket that goes in your nose, eyes, on your black pants, patio furniture, porches, grills, cars....well, you get the picture. And, if you live here, you know the scene. I have to say, I think this is the worst year I can remember. Sure, we get pollen every year, but it's insanely pollinated out there people. If there was a pollen advisory level, we'd be off the charts, stay inside, threat of damage to small animals. And, we're not looking at rain for a few days so it's here to say.

With all of that said, I have to admit, I welcome the pollen. Not because of the mess or the color or the complete insanity of it, but because pollen means spring. It means flowery buds on trees, tulips and daffodils, the cool mornings, warm afternoons and sometimes crisp nights of spring. Green grass, barbeques, beers on the patio, margaritas outside on Thursday's after work. Dogwoods blooming, flip flops and shorts, time by the pool. Baseball games, sun on your face, walks through the park, leaving your sun roof open while you drive around town or head to the beach. Pollen brings, or rather is brought by, the wonderfulness of spring. And, I for one, am happy to live with a few weeks of pollen if it means I get all the other good stuff. Spring is, or so I was told once, the time of year when everything is reborn. It's like we can all shed our winter woes and face the world again, full of hope for sunnier days and flowery beginnings.

So, as crazy as the pollen is (and it's crazy out there), I sort of like it. Makes me know this is only the beginning of a spring season to be filled with all kinds of goodness.

Wednesday, March 24, 2010

"I get laid off about three times every year."

It's been a while since I've blogged, but there's been a lot going on. For one, I got a new job, which is incredible news! I have been there about a week and a half and so far so good. I know where the coffee is, where the bathroom is and have figured out how to get in and out of the door without locking myself out of the building. All in all, I'd say I'm really starting to figure it out.

Now that I am a full time employee and contributing member of society, I no longer am required to fill in my weekly unemployment certifications on Sunday, waiting patiently for my direct deposit on Tuesday of the following week. I even called today to alert them of my good news and bid them a fond farewell, hoping to never need their services again.

But, at the beginning of this month, I was just one of the many weekly certifiers. And, on one typical Sunday in a went to the system to declare 1) No I didn't do any work 2) No I didn't get any money 3) No I didn't turn down any work 4) And, yes I was available for work. On this particular week, however, we had a few bonus questions. One of those asked if I was self employed, to which I answered yes because I had done some contract/freelance work. I figured I did some work, but I'm not an employee of a company so that mus mean I'm self-employed. The answer is, no I am not and was not self-employed. That answer indication was really just a big red flag telling somebody at the unemployment to not pay this lady trying to steal money from the government. The problem, however, was here I am unemployed, answered my questions, waiting patiently for my money and I ain't getting anything. I tried calling, A LOT, and after four days of trying from 8 am when the phone lines opened until 5 or so when the phone lines closed and not getting through I realized I was going to have to take matters into my own hands. That's right. I was going to have to physically go to the unemployment office.

So, off I go. Now let me paint this picture for you. I decide, at the recommendation of my friend, to go to the one in Cary since it was less busy. I'm cruising down the road in Cary, all is well. Everything looks like Cary. And then I take a turn to the left. With that one turn I was in a different city, different state, maybe even a different country. I was now in Tijuana, Mexico. Officially, but with a lo of Chinese restaurants around me. I park the car among some half blue, half red vans, vehicles missing a door here and there and between 18 potholes. After feeling like the car was relatively safe between the Chinese restaurant and laundry mat, off I went into the land of unemployment.

First thing I saw was all the posters from my high school guidance office. I sort of chuckled inside a little thinking I should finally become an underwater welder. When I opened the door, I see the infamous line about 10 deep. I figure I have nothing else to do since I have no job and had no prospect of a job so I just hopped in line. All around me are people really trying hard to secure employment. They are sporting their business suits from the 80s, shoulder pads and all, navy tights and those kinda square-toed heels. There are people taking the online tests to determine their next career path. People are coming in with paperwork and resumes. The employee are disgustingly busy. And, there I stand, texting on my pink phone from Sprint. I felt terrible. At first I felt like, "I don't belong here" and then I realized, "Yes I do." Anybody can belong here. Anybody can lose their job. I'm sure these people didn't think they'd be here one day, economy in the toilet, searching any job they can get their hands on. But, here we all were. One big, happy, unemployed family.

I was two away from the counter when the one lady went to lunch. My luck has pretty much gone that way lately. This one guy had been up there FOREVER and I finally catch on to the fact that he is not even unemployed, yet he's trying to collect benefits. At this point, I am done with him and need him to return to his workplace, no matter how fewer hours he is receiving. And, as I'm trying to eavesdrop, this person walks in, bringing with him the worst odor you've ever smelled. I tried to scoot up in line to avoid the smell that was wafting from him with no avail. The more he moved, the more I smelled and then I started having gag reflexes. I know you're going to say it sounds harsh, but I mean this is why this person is not employed. He may be a very great employee, but this body appearance and smell is not going to keep an employer, nor the public, happy for long. I'm going back and forth between feeling terrible for thinking about the smell and wanting so badly to run to wanting so badly to help this person by cluing them in. Luckily for all involved, I was called up to the counter.

I tell my problem. We get it fixed. The man thinks I'm a moron and I begin correcting my answer choices. While I'm completing my papers, here comes smelly man right up next to me. Again. I quickly finish and off I go, but not before hearing him say, "I get laid off about three times every year." I didn't really know what to say so I said good luck and out I went to retrieve my vehicle from between the Chinese restaurant and the laundry mat. The next day I had a job offer and realized how very blessed and lucky I am.

My trip to unemployment was sobering. There are so many people out there who have not just been dealing with this for a few weeks and months, but rather years. They want jobs and can't find them. I hope each and every one of them is as lucky as I was, but unfortunately I know they won't be. And as quickly as I've gone back to the routine of wishing for the weekend already on Monday, each time I remember how lucky I am to have a job to go to, shoulder pad business suit or not.

Saturday, March 13, 2010

H for Heidi!

When Heidi 3.0 hit the streets early this year (or was it last year?) I contemplated giving you all my thoughts on her new face, ears, neck, eyebrows, arms, legs, hands, stomach, boobs, feet, ankles, tongue and other new plastic parts. But, really what was there to say. It's crazy. Even Spencer, King of the Underworld, didn't seem too impressed. She seriously looks like a plastic person. One that was melted and when it dried, it just didn't come out as expected. I hope they broke the mold. Personally, I did like Heidi 2.0 best. And, living in LA I can imagine she felt the pressure to be the blonde bombshell. But, Heidi 2.0 was a bombshell. Heidi 3.0 is a bomb, ready to explode if she gets too close to heat or high pressure. Let's home El Nino and/or La Nina don't cause severe heat this summer.

Before and after photo courtesy of Zap2It.

The craziest part, as if there could only be one crazy, is she is contemplating MORE plastic surgery. She doesn't feel finished. One might ask, what else could she possibly manipulate, mangle and reshape? The answer, my friends. Her breasts. She actually said she wants to be a size H for Heidi! How fabulous. That is clearly the best logic I've ever heard. We should all get breast sizes to match the letter of our name. What a GREAT idea! Now I know why she gets paid the big buck. (Sadly, she probably makes more money in one episode of The Hills than I do in a year.) The power of entertainment.

Well, recently, Heidi has fired her agent (the one and only Spencer Pratt) and hired her her psychic who she refers to as a "intuitive psychic, a healer." I wonder if he saw this coming and knew she was going to hire him? I'm sure since he's so intuitive, this was all foreseen in the Tarot cards of entertainment representation. He is apparently going to guide her life and career through life and love. (I just threw up in my mouth a little.) But, of course this makes sense because he can communicate with dead celebrities. Maybe Corey Haim is guiding the new psychic on behalf of Heidi. How great would that be?

But, maybe the healer extraordinaire know what's up. She is reported to be staring in a feature comedy alongside Jennifer Aniston, Nicole Kidman, and Adam Sandler. She's playing herself, although I'm not sure which self, so hopefully it won't be too much of a role stretch for her. As much as I hate to admit this, I will of course go see the movie, mainly because Heidi is in it. I'm such an entertainment idiot.

Heidi 2.0, managed my Spencer is out. Heidi 3.0, managed by the intuitive healer psychic is in. I can't wait to see the sequel.

Wednesday, March 10, 2010

Verdict's In...It's just...ok

After a long time of no movie review, I'm back. Sorry for the delay, but I will be sure to have my movie watching eyes on and my review fingers ready from now on.

Saturday night, I snuggled in with sushi from Harris Teeter and a movie from the Red Box. With nothing out I really wanted to see, I decided on Beyond a Reasonable Doubt (which is apparently a remake of a 1956 flick), mainly because it had Michael Douglas in it and I figured, "Hey, how bad can it be?"

Sushi eaten, blanket on and movie in. Twenty minutes later, I was asleep.

So, Sunday morning I try again with success. Now, the movie is not bad. It's your typical, not too dramatic, but thriller nonetheless, with the obvious twist you see coming, followed by the twist you don't see coming until you see it and then you kinda knew it was coming. The main character is good looking which helps...a lot. The main girl character is not so terrible, although a little too know it all for me. And, Michael Douglas, I figure took the role because he figured he could do a new movie, get a paycheck and only learn about 6 lines.

It's about legal matters, which I like. The loop holes of the judicial system, wrapped in legal corruption. You root for the main guy. But again, it's all a little too predictable. But, for a rainy Sunday afternoon or mindless weekend night, it's worth watching.

Yahoo! users give it a C+
. I tend to agree. It ain't bad, but it ain't good either.

Two pops, with a Kit Kat.

Thursday, March 4, 2010

P-I-M-P Chimp

I haven't blogged here lately (not that anybody cares too terribly much), but nonetheless, I figured I better hop back on the blog train. Choo-Choo.

Entertainment news has been kinda slow lately. The Bachelor picked Vienna, which I guess was a huge deal, but I didn't really watch that show so I couldn't really say one way or the other. I do have to agree with one blogger who said she looked like Hayley Duff. That is 100% correct.

Rumor is Elin is moving back in the Tiger. And, Marie Osmounds son jumped to his death, which was pretty newsy when that happened earlier in the week.

But, overall, I'm feeling like things are slow. But, I did see this article about this straight-up pimpin' chimp in Moscow who has been sent to rehab. Apparently, his addiction to booze and cigarettes was really taking over his life and causing him to beg to zoo visitors for beer and/or cigarettes. In addition, this pimpin' chimp went to another zoo and fathered several baby chimps. This may have been a really good thing and the intended fate when the chimp was moved, but I prefer to think of this drunk chimp, knocking up female chimps and then having a cigarette. That's just awesome to me.

So, the drunk, cigarette-smoking, baby-making chimp is now in rehab to curb "his vice." Maybe next time he'll emerge with an eating disorder and porn addiction. That would be pretty cool, too.

Thursday, February 25, 2010

Snoop Life to Live

Let me give you a little context before I dive in. My mom has watched All My Children for as long as I can remember. In fact, I remember her coming home for lunch every day at 1 pm before I was in school and eating my lunch with her while we watched All My Children (yes I was like 3 or 4). And party because it's something I did with my mom and mostly because I absolutely adore trashy television, I have always been a soap opera fan. I have always watched All My Children, have the All My Children commemorative book and forced my old college roommate Jaimee to go to the soap star fan event in Dallas, Texas a few years back. (And, thanks to Jaimee I had my picture taken with two of my favorite cast members! I was too nervous to speak, but Jaimee busted up in the line, grabbed the guy and essentially forced him to smile while I giddily grinned next to him.)

Now All My Children has its ups and downs. Personally, I like the old peeps from back in the day and don’t like the introduction of these random new characters. I know we need some new people in case the entire cast dies or something, but hold off on the newbies. I am much more interested in my power couple Tad and Dixie. Typically with any soap opera you can catch an episode once or twice every two years or so and completely catch up. Time doesn’t elapse the same in the world of soaps. Things that should take 20 minutes, taken 2 months. It’s just the joy of watching a soap opera. So, I tune in the other morning, just to get a lay of the land, and am pleasantly surprised to see they are bringing back the oldie but goodies. There is Brooke, Tad is a prevalent character, my all-time favorite Greenlee has risen from the dead for the third time, Jack and Erika seem to be working their way back to each others’ arms, etc. I’m excited, hence starting my more regular viewing. (With the help of Soapnet this is a clear slam dunk opportunity for me to get caught back up.)

So I watched it today. It was pretty good, but I’m still getting caught back up. At the end of the show I’m waiting for the “scenes for tomorrow,” only to be disappointed when I got nothing but the show logo. Boo! As I’m getting off the couch to try to do something productive, I hear the teaser for One Life to Live, which follows, saying something about Snoop being on the show. I’m thinking, I didn’t hear that right. And, then, they say it again. I’m still thinking, this must be a new character, maybe they are saying Shoop, some fake band on the show. I don’t really know, but I leave the TV knowing this surely ain’t talking about Snoop Dogg, Snoopy d-o-double g.

Soap operas were born in the 1950s to target stay-at-home moms. The entire premise behind the show concept was for manufacturers such as P&G and Colgate to sponsor and reach stay-at-home moms. Women. Typically aged 25-50. Has that sunk in? Good, I figured it had.

But, after actually looking it up, I find that One Life to Live (OLTL) is actually going to feature Snoop on their show, not once, but for the second time. Now, I don’t know who this is sadder for. Snoop who has stooped to doing soap operas or soap operas for thinking Snoop is a good choice for stay-at-home moms? Snoop’s latest single is Malice in Wonderland, which for me just doesn’t reach out to a 32 year old mom taking care of her two kids. But, what do I know? Snoop always was my favorite. With lyrics like “It’s my house and I live here” how could he not be really?
(Picture from Scott Gries, Getty Images, via

So, Snoop returns to Llanview (I think he returned on the 24th) for the second time in two years to perform a new song. (Way to reach your audience, Snoop.) But, it really gets kinda even more comical. Snoop said he grew up watching the shop and has a special soft spot for Bo Buchanan. That is awesome. Snoop Dogg and I grew up watching the same soap operas on ABC.

Maybe he was at the soap star fan event with me too, just trying to get his picture made.

Wednesday, February 24, 2010

Is this a real face?

I haven't watched America's Next Top Model very faithfully over the years, but I do remember when Yoanna House won back in 2004. I personally thought she was kinda funny looking, but most of the times, Tyra doesn't go for the commercial beauties, but instead the ones that have that "high fashion" look. (Personally, I'd rather be commercial beautiful, but since my weight is more than a contestant on a lose weight show, I don't think it really matters what I want.)

Anyways, Yoanna won. She even had some fashion correspondence show. And, then, today I see this picture (on Afternoon Crumbs, from TMZ).

This can't be real, right? It's one of those tricks, where they show some large, overweight person and then some super thin person and say it's the same person when really we know they are just two different people (one big, one small), both wearing the same color bathing suite. Tell me it's a trick!!!

She's a plastic nightmare who looks like a drag queen. I'm scared by her plastic face. I'm kinda hope it's RuPaul in there, just fooling us all.

Go back to the "high fashion" beauty. Please!

Snooki in my friends house

Snooki and the rest of the Jersey Shore cast appeared on The View yesterday to promote the release of Jersey Shore Season 1 on DVD. (I am considering making the purchase, although I think it might be a new low point. Regardless, let's be honest, I'll probably own it before the weekend is here). Or, you could watch full epsidoes online. I mean for you non serious fans.

Let me paint the scene.

Whoopi and Joy HATE the show. Hate the folks. And Joy all but said it on the show. Whoopi wasn't too bad. Just wore a weird Alice in Wonderfuland hat symbolizing her going down the rabbit hole. Haters.

Elizabeth (sporting a "I heart The Situation" shirt) and Sherri (totally rocking the Snooki do) love the show. Two thumbs up, ladies.

The segment was more of a back and forth, yelling match really, between the haters (really just Joy) and the supporters, with the cast getting a few words in edgewise. The Situation started by giving all the cohosts nicknames:

Whoopi--The Administrator

Joy--The Assumption (she was not pleased)

Elizabeth--The Attraction (he wants in her pants, obviously)

Sherri--The Duplication ('cause she had her hair done like Snooks)

My favorite moment. They asked Snooki when she knew was famous. Her answer. "Pretty much since birth."

On the show (and in other reported news), it has been said that Snooki is not even Italian-American, but rather Chilean. On the show, she said she is part Chilean and part Sicilian. I don't know about her birth origins, but I do know one very awesome, amazing, makes me smile piece of news.....wait for it.....

My friend is third cousins with Snooki. My friend's mom is first cousin's with Snooki's mom. Snooki, the adopted Chilean daughter of my friend's mom's first cousin. Holy moly, I did just die and go to entertainment heaven. I feel like an insider with insider info. Like now, it doesn't seem as creepy that I tweeted at Snooki (even though she didn't tweet back). I mean, Snooki and I are pretty much really good friends now, by association only. Who's going to play me in the movie? Because my friend's mom is mortified about Snooks being part of the family with her televised antics, I'll refrain from namedropping, but this is fabulously awesome to me.
(Photos from MTV)

Snooki, adopted by an Italian family, THAT I KNOW! Now, that is good news for a Wednesday.

Pretty much gotta buy the season now. Just to support the family and all. Not to mention I'm half Italian. I really need to support this cause, both for my friend's family and my heritage.

Maybe I can convince one of my first cousins to join season 2. I mean, the Panaro's can be guido too. I like sparkly, tacky stuff.

Monday, February 22, 2010

Caught a Tiger by the tail

Tiger finally spoke on Friday, after months of hush-hushness and women coming out of the woodworks, the phone history, the Internet. Pretty much anywhere except the brothel (or at least as far as we know).

I don’t really care too much about Tiger Woods. Never have really. He’s a fantastic golfer and that can’t be disputed, but as far as his personal life, I’ve never had too much interest. I thought his kids were cute and looked like the perfect mixture between Tiger and Elin. And, even though I didn’t really care about his personal life (one of the few celebs I didn’t care about—I even like the b-level stars) I did enjoy watching his amazing golf shots from time to time.

But, when the news broke of his indiscretions, the battle at his house when Elin beat the crap out of his car with his golf club and the cover ups with all the various and sundry women, my interest was piqued. Tiger was now a class-A screw up and had more drama than All My Children on a good week.

After the women kept coming forward, I lost interest again. He left golf, his wife seemed she couldn’t care less about him and women were coming out of everywhere but Tiger had little to say. But, then, he broke his silence last Friday.

Of course he had to orchestrate the whole thing to hand pick who would be in attendance. Make sure he picked those people who would speak favorably over “his efforts” and hug him when the big talk was over. So, to an audience of his choosing, Tiger apologized publically for how much he hurt his family, fans and endorsement folks. After reading his paper what had to be word-for-word, he folded his cheat sheet, hugged the ones who support him and off he went.

Kudos to his PR firm for making him do it I guess (although I question why it wasn’t sooner?). It was a nicely prepared speech by some PR writer sitting in the confines either of a cubicle or a four-walled office. Tiger did a nice job of reading the words he was provided. But, the big thing that was missing, for me, was any sense of actual remorse. It was all so scripted. I do, however, believe Tiger is very sorry. Very sorry he got caught. Very sorry that his endorsers pulled fundage and he’s going to be missing a few big paychecks a year. I do think he’s genuinely sorry he hurt his mom, but what man wouldn’t want to spare his mom hurt? From the scripted words, lack of emotion and hand-picked audience where he shut out his adversaries, I think his efforts fall short. Way short.

Then you read quotes like “The sincerity of his remarks and the thoughtfulness in his message was very apparent,” said Begay, Tiger’s old college buddy. I agree the message was thoughtful and give major credit again to the PR writer behind the speech. But, seriously. Not for one moment do I believe Tiger wrote that. Begay also said he knows Tiger is trying to learn about the issues because he’s going to rehab. Tiger is going to rehab so he doesn’t look like a total loser and terrible role model so maybe one day he can rejoin golf and his sponsors will overflow again.

More realistically, yet polite, was PGA Commissioner who said he thought this was a good first step and that Tiger did a very good job of communicating the way he thought and what he thinks about where he is. Good step if you ever want to play golf again. I also love the carefully chosen words “the way he thought” and “what he thinks.” None of those say I believe what he said or that he thinks Tiger is actually sorry. It was pretty much the same as the apology, “I’m sorry you feel that way” instead of “I’m sorry I hurt you.”

So for me, the hand-picked public statement failed. But, hey, I’m just one person born and raised in the South thinking Greenville is pronounced Greenvulle. So what do I know.

I do know he’s an amazing golfer. That golf won’t be the same without him. And I hope Elin and the kids aren’t harassed for Tiger’s indiscretions. (The one thing I did agree with him on 100%.)

Until it comes out that Tiger is the biological father of the Octomom’s kids or that Tiger had an affair with Britney Spears, I’ve lost interest…again.

Sunday, February 21, 2010

Sens' house welcomes a new arrival

Disclaimer: Although Matthew likes the new arrival perhaps more than me and definitely more than the cats, the new arrival does not breathe, require food or use the bathroom. It does, however, bring us lots and lots of joy.

For Christmas this year, I got Matthew a Blu-ray player. Before I purchased it I made sure it would work on one of the televisions in the house. Matthew loved the the new Blu-ray, but did not want to hook it up on the 19 inch in the bedroom. I guess that left something to be desired. Since Christmas, the new player, special HDMI cords and Blu-ray movie have been securely in the corner of the office. (Not for Matthew’s lack of wanting, begging and researching the latest and greatest TVs out on the market).

On Wednesday, out we went to get the next season of Battlestar Galactica. We tried Walmart. No luck. We tried the next Walmart. No luck on season 3. I then insisted HHGregg would have the latest season. It is, after all, just like Best Buy, right? Wrong. It’s just an appliance store. But, after we walked in and navigated through the washers and dryers we found ourselves in the land of the TVs, otherwise known as Matthew’s Dreamland. After more researching and more affliction of the “I have to have a new TV” bug, off we went on Friday to get the new HD for the living room.

Before we even got there, Matthew knew which one we were to take home. We walked in, and there it was. Right next to the newest LED. (We had to leave that one in the store). We tell the guy which one we want and off he goes to locate it in the back. Matthew expresses how much he hopes they have it in the back. I pray they don’t so we can get the “display only” discount. I do like a nice discount.

That’s right folks. I win. None in the back and we are “forced” to buy the display for a 10% discount. I’m starting to smile. I am, however, a little concerned because the screen looks darker than the other ones. Matthew assured me it just wasn’t calibrated, but I’m annoying and like to ask questions so I asked the sales guy, “Is this TV really dark because you didn’t calibrate it right, or because you dropped it and then put it on display.” I get the look of “who brought this lady into the store,” but was told “I didn’t drop this TV.” I, of course, then had to ask if someone else dropped it, maybe one of his buddies. I was again assured the TV had not been dropped.

Now we’re at the checkout. Sale rings up. Discount applied. And, then I go in for the kill again. I tried to use an expired coupon to get another 10% off. It’s sad, I know. Matthew had to leave the area for fear my coupon disease might rub off or the sales guy would kick us out of the store without our new TV. Unfortunately the coupon is not accepted. (I’m still okay with this since we did get the 10% display rate).

Then, Mr. Sales Guy tries to upsell the service package. Now, I love a nice insurance package. In fact, I am gullible enough to have bought one for everything I own (never used one though). But, I’m thinking this is an expensive purchase maybe we should consider it. Can’t be more than $50, right? WRONG! This guy tries to sell us a $200 insurance plan in case something might go wrong. I just tried to use an expired coupon on the DL so this is obviously not what I want to hear. He assures us he doesn’t get commission, and we should really consider this. I ask, “How many people actually ever use this thing?” Apparently 2-3/month call the service number. To me, that’s not enough people to warrant this thing needed, but of course I cave and buy the insurance plan. I always do. We did, however, only get the 2 year plan. (It was cheaper. And, he assured us we could always cancel it and get our money back. Pro-rated of course.)

TV is now officially purchased. But, since it was the on-display model there was no box. Off they go, with our new TV, to package it for safe travels. We go get the car and pull up to the front. Imagine our surprise when they come out with our TV wrapped in what looks like a trashbag. No bubble wrap. Not nice protective coating. Just some black plastic wrap. But, whatever. We’re the proud new owners of a new HDTV. We load it in, trashbag and all, and clip it in place with those rubberbandy things Matthew has in the Jeep. I sit in the back, just in case. Well, let me tell you. Just in case happened about 2 minutes into the trip. The swivel feature of the TV works just fine. Me and the new TV swiveled the entire way home. But, an hour later, we pulled in the driveway with our new arrival.

The rest if pretty boring. Matthew and I carried it in (painful for me). Matthew and Tommy carried the old one out. Matthew hooked everything up, calibrated the settings, checked the sound and admired his new baby from his prime spot on the couch.

We are now two Blu-ray movies in, about 3 discs of Battlestar Galactica watched and have checked every channel featuring HD programming. I have also become even more fascinated with the Olympics because watching people skate and ski is way cooler in HD than not. I’m already gearing up for the Canada/USA hockey game night to see how many ice tracks I can see from the skate. YAY!

The TV is pretty awesome. Matthew is over the moon. And, I can’t wait to watch Maury and Steve Wilkos in HD tomorrow morning.

Friday, February 19, 2010

Pregnant Man Births Again (almost)

Expectant mother Thomas Beatie, (who is technically, sort of a man) announced he is expecting his third child with his wife, Nancy. The couple already has a daughter and son, the first born in 2007 catapulting Thomas to international speculation and wonder as we all stared at what was a pregnant man.

Who is this, some of you may ask? Well, for those of you that didn't catch the famous Oprah episode, Thomas was born a woman, but underwent sex reassignment surgery. But, during the surgery he (since he identifies as a man and lives as one we call him a man even though technicaly I guess he's still a woman) did not have his reproductive organs removed. When he and his wife Nancy decided to have kids, Nancy was unable to since she had already undergone a hysterectomy. Logically then, the "father" would birth these babies, right? In most cases no, but in this case, with ovaries and uterus in check, Thomas was able to jump right in.

Check out the before and after photos (courtesy of The Daily Mail).

It's all pretty surreal to look at the photos. I mean, you are staring into the face of a man who is visibly pregnant. Our minds (at least as regular little pea-sized brained people like myself) do not know how to process the information. We all understand transgender, to a point, I think. We can tell oursevles, "Okay, this man was born a woman, but always felt like a man. So, he underwent surgery to look like what he identified with." I get that, support that and although I don't understand what that feels like, most certainly would want any person to live they way they feel. But to see a man being pregnant? I can't even comprehend it, logically. I am in full support of him having a kid, oddly enough (most people seem to think his decision is going to hurt the children). I think he should be able to be happy, live a "normal" life with his wife, and have all the dreams made a reality that any other person can. But, I'll be honest, it's just plain weird to see it.

I do, however, applaud Thomas and his wife for making it public and sharing their story. For being the circus freak show and saying "We don't really care what you think, we're happy and this is what we're doing." Makes me wish I had a little more circus freak mentality in me.
I'm not really sure who is the biologically mommy or daddy. I imagine Thomas is "dad" and Nancy "mom" but again I don't know. But the kids seem happy (most importantly). The parents seem happy (very important). And, they didn't birth 8 at a time making the United States pay for this "experiment." I mean, seriously, who can look at that picture and honestly say this is a bad thing? Baby smiles, mommy and daddy smiles. Hell, it makes me smile.
Photo courtesy of MomLogic.

I geniunely do admire and applaud this family, even though it messes with my head every time I see "the pregnant man." I wish we could all have a little circus freak in us. Maybe then we'd all be a lot more accepting, a lot less judgemental and alot happier with ourselves.

Wednesday, February 17, 2010

Key Lime Cupcakes

In case any of you were interested in the delicious Key Lime cupcakes I made during Zombieland, the recipe is below.

The only thing I might would do differently is using lime juice in the frosting instead of the lime peel. You can tell it's peel and it kinda tastes like paper in your mouth.

There are a lot of other recipes out there for Key Lime cupcakes. If you try another one and it's awesome, definitly let me know!

I stole it from somebody else's blog so check out some of the other goodies she has too.

Cupcake Ingredients:
1 cup all purpose flour
3/4 cup self-rising flour
1/2 cup (1 stick) unsalted butter, room temperature
1 1/4 cups sugar
2 large eggs
2 1/2 tablespoons fresh lime juice
1 tablespoon finely grated lime peel
1/4 teaspoon neon-green food coloring
3/4 cup buttermilk

Frosting Ingredients:
1 8-oz package cream cheese, room temperature
1 1/2 cups powdered sugar
1/2 cup (1 stick) unsalted butter, room temperature
1 tablespoon finely grated lime peel
1/2 teaspoon vanilla extract

1. Preheat oven to 350 degrees.
2. Line standard cupcake pan with 12 paper liners.
3. Whisk both flours in medium bowl until smooth. Add sugar, beat to blend. Beat in eggs 1 at a time, then next 3 ingredients (batter may look curdled).
4. Beat in flour mixture in 3 additions alternately with buttermilk in 2 additions.
5. Spoon scant 1/3 cup batter into each liner.
6. Bake cupcakes until tester inserted into center comes out clean, 20 to 25 minutes.
7. Cool 10 minute. Remove from pan; cool.

Frosting:Beat all ingredients in a medium bowl until smooth. Spread over cupcakes.

Time Travelin' Tearjerker

I'm two days late on Monday Movie Madness, but it's been a crazy few weeks. Matthew and I went up to Jersey/NYC over the weekend to celebrate Valentine's, traveled the whole back (via car) on Sunday and then spent Monday with Tristan at Frankie's and watching movies. Then, yesterday I was in job interview central pretty much being a rockstar. So, here we are on Wednesday, but with a movie review nonetheless.

First off, I've watched a lot of movies over the past few days including either fully or partially (I fall asleep A LOT during movies): Baby Mama, 2012, Couples Retreat, Across the Hall, The Time Traveler's Wife, and Percy Jackon and the Olympians, The Lightening Thief.

I watched Baby Mama while Matthew was working. It's hilarious (second time I had seen it and I think it was actually funnier).

That first night in the hotel room we decided to watch a movie. I immediately suggest "TIME TRAVELERS WIFE!" There was a resounding sigh indicating "I'd rather poke my eyes out and have llamas eat my ears than watch that movie." We went with 2012. The next night. Same thing. We watched Couples Retreat, which was hilarious (at least the parts I was awake for).

Saturday, after walking all of NYC in the blizzard freezing, and with about three hours until dinner, Matthew was in the perfect pounce position for me to suggest Time Traveler's Wife (not to mention it was the day before Valentine's Day). And, as a good boyfriend does, he relented and the viewing commenced.

The reviews were below average, and much below my anticipation so even I was a little skeptical. But, I love Rachel McAdams and Eric Bana so what could go wrong? And, after watching the movie, nothing did and the critics were just down right wrong. The movie was a stellar romantic story. Although a complete tear jerker which had me boohooing the last 30 minutes of the movie. (Disclaimer: I didn't read the book so this revew is based solely on the movie. I don't know if it was better the book so don't ask.)

The setup. Henry time travels for the first time when he is in a car crash with his mom. She dies. Fast forward a bunch of years. Clare sees Henry in the library and already knows everything about him because he has visited her from the time she was a small child (although when he came he was much older than the man she sees in front of her). They date, fall in love and get married. They even have a baby who is also a time traveler. After having the baby time travel out the womb causing Clare to miscarry many times, Henry has a vasectomy. But, then younger Henry time travels to the future and Clare gets pregnant by young Henry. It's crazy. Sadly, Henry is shot and killed while time traveling, leaving behind Clare and their daugther, only seeing them if his younger self time travels to them. The movie ends as Clare runs towards Henry and says "Why didn't you tell me you were coming. I would have waited." And Henry says "I didn't want you to wait." Pass the tissues please.

I don't know how believeable time traveling is. But, for me, that's not what this movie is even about. It's about the amazing bond and love these two people have for each other than can transcend any space or time. Henry loves her so much that he travels to her as a young girl to spend time with her, protect her, and love her. And, through her childhood, adolescence, and adulthood, Clare loves Henry for what he truly is. Even after knowing she's going to lose him so early in life she says, "I wouldn't trade one second of our life together." Isn't that what we all want in life? A love so deep it can transcend time? A love so deep that no matter how or when it ends it was worth it without question? Someone who loves us so much they travel back in time to just to spend time with us as much as possible? The love story in this movie is the kind of love I think we all want and only some of us are lucky to get.

Rachel McAdams gives a stellar performance and on-screen chemistry is there. I felt every emotion Clare felt through Rachel McAdams. When the movie closed, I was truly sad for these characters and wanted to know if Clare got to see Henry again. It was one of those movies that stuck with me for days as I not only mourned the lose of Henry for Clare, but as I relived their passionate love story. I cried not only because Henry died, not only because Clare and her daughter had to lose him, but because Henry and Clare found each other, showing us that is possible to live a life so full of love for another that regardless of the consequences you wouldn't change one single moment.

I give it four pops. It was fabulous.

And, as for my love. I'm glad all my moments are with you.

Friday, February 12, 2010

New York City!

Matthew and I left Wednesday morning around 11 am, bound for New York City, center of the 2010 blizzard nature was currently blowing our way. I had my doubts of why we were even doing that, but Matthew assured me it was fine. We agreed if it got too bad, he'd stop. (Felt we should get that out of the way rather than arguing about while we were on a 3 foot sheet of snow or ice unable to see in front of us.)

I kept checking the weather dopplar radar on my phone and kept saying "It looks like we're going to hit it soon."


"I think we're going to hit it right around this corner. The sky looks gray."


This went on for about an hour and a half. And, then, we hit DC and found the little hidden treasure of "The Blizzard of 2010." I gotta say, I've never really seen snow so it was unbelieveable. But, the roads really weren't that bad if you stayed on the interstate. We were cruising. I was taking pictures, Matthew was telling me we weren't on a site seeing tour and to stop taking pictures in his face. And then the GPS says to exit. We exit.

The next thing you know, we're in RFK Stadium and the roads down there are NOT good. After we turned around we start trying to find 95 again. Where oh where did you go precious friend? These roads we were on were not roads. They were lanes of snow. But, yes, we pressed on. At one point I start to say "Matthew, I really don't think we should be doing this" when I got the look of "I am nervous about the snow. Don't talk." (I managed to get out Ma- before "the look.")
We found 295, which was not a good substitute. It wasn't twice as good as the two might would lead you to believe. After we were on this road for a while we finally found our long lost friend

who had been so nicely treated with salt and plow trucks. But, as we neared closer to the Big Apple, Baltimore had a different plan for us. The roads were terrible. It was snowing hard and he wind was blowing every which way. At this point, we stopped for the night.

When we check in we find out there's a level 3 warning out which means unless you are an emergency the roads. This even means the plow folks. You know it's bad when you go to dinner and the room is filled with the snow plow folks. Even they were saying how bad it was out there.

The snow ended around 10 pm, we left around 7 am and arrived safe and sound in NYC around 11 am. The roads are clear and there is snow everywhere, which I think is kinda cool. Maybe we were crazy for driving to a blizzard, but that's what we do together. Crazy adventures and great memories. I thought the snow was unbelievable and beautiful and, crazy or not, it was so cool to be in the middle of this big storm. We aren't getting anything like this in NC so this was a once in a lifetime experience.

I'm glad we did it. I'm glad he drove and I took pictures. I'm glad we were together. And, now, I'm glad we're here. Blizzard of 2010 ain't got nothing on us.

Tuesday, February 9, 2010

Funny is all relative

Friday night, Matthew was in NJ for work and I was here, me and the two cats. I decide, "Hey it would be so totally awesome if I went and got sushi for dinner, made cupcakes (I like to bake and I found this kickin' Key Lime Cupcake recipe) and watch that new Brittany Murphy flick I've been dying to see. Hi ho hi ho off to Harris Teeter I then go, list in hand.

Sushi...check. Cupcakes stuff...check. New People (not on the list)...check anyway. And plastic bags in hand I am sanding at the Red Box machine. But, there is no Brittany Murphy movie. There is, in fact, nothing I want to see. I sulk home.
The roommate Tommy says "Hey I've got Zomebieland." At this point, I'm thinking 1) I've seen all the Lifetime movies. 2) I didn't get my movie and 3) How bad could it possibly be? I guess I tell you about how I came to see this movie because I guess it is possible I was in the wrong frame of mind. Or, it's more possible that I just seriously hated it THAT much.

Looking at the cover and seeing Woody Harrelson staring back should have tipped me off. It didn't. The pemise. Zombies have overtake the world. But this is no scary movie mind you. It's a half baked, sarcastic comedy. To me, zombies should be scary cheesy, not funny. But I digress. Woody is a zombie slaying fool who hooks up with this random teenage kid with zero social skills. Off they go on the hunt for Twinkies because apparently Woody can't live without Twinkies. Oh and because they are running from zombies. Before Woody comes along, dorky kid almost gets eaten because he's trying to get in zombie girl's pants. I guess he thought any kind of booty was better than none. Believe me, this guy was clearly getting none.

The two then get carjaked and guns stolen from this goth teenage girl and her little sister. They meet back up, enter Bill Murray which is just really weird, the girls escape and almost get eaten by zombies until dorky kid saves the day, Woody gets a Twinkie and dork gets a kiss from dark, mysterious kinda "I'm a bag girl" girl. I think something else may have happened after that, but luckily Matthew called and saved me from poking my eyes out.
The movie did well with the critics. Grossed a lot of money. But, seriously, for me it might have been the worst movie I've ever seen. I mean Bill Murray hasn't even had a real acting gig since Groundhog Day and What About Bob, right? The least they could have done is get a true B level celeb. Bill Murray isn't even popular enough for Celebrity Fit Club or The Surreal Life.

Woody Harrelson. Seriously? What was I thinking? All I can think of when I think Woody is White Men Can't Jump with that little Rosie lady. And his hunt for Twinkie's?? What IS that? If zombie's are after me I'm going for something more like cheesecake or booze. Not a prepackaged, stale, yellow cake with some white cream type filling that has been in a box, on a shelf for 3 years. It wasn't even funny to me. It was just plain idiotic.

Dork boy had some comic relief. But even he was awful. The girls were pointless except to give some additional characters for dorky boy to follow. And how does that little girl go from My Sister's Keeper to Zombieland? Terrible. She'll never be the next Dakota Fanning now. (Not that anyone could of course because she is simply fabuously awesome.)

I have no doubt some people LOVE this movie like Woody loves Twinkies. But I'd rather eat all the stale Twinkies in the world than ever see this movie again. And I hate Twinkies.

I don't think I can pop this one at all. But again, critics loved it and so did fans. Cause like I said in the title, funny really is all relative.

Monday, February 8, 2010

A little false advertising perhaps?

Four years after its initial debut on the world wide web, and this photo is still the #4 most popular emailed photo from Yahoo.

The caption reads, "A passanger waits for a delayed flight at Heathrow airport's terminal four in London August 12, 2006." I think it's fair to say that caption is really not indicative of why this photography took the picture and subsequently why the photo is so popular.

I think the caption should have more accurately read, "A very large bottom sits in a very small chair at Heathrow airport.."

Can you imagine this being your bottom and emailed round the world? What if you were looking at Yahoo's most popular emailed photos and there, in your face, was your enormous rear-end staring back at you and the other 6.7 billion people on this planet. That in itself might make me start looking for planets with other life forms.


After watching the Super Bowl, and a few bits and pieces of the Jersey Shore marathon yesterday, I now know.

The Situatino and Peyton Manning are actually brothers.

Friday, February 5, 2010

Beat the Beat Up

The Jersey Shore cast has been beating the beat up all over the country. They are a media frenzy. With great reason of course. They are all, amazing!

The good news.

1) All cast members have signed on for a second season (even though some Italian-Americans demanded the show be cancelled. I'm an Italian-American--yeah I know, not really the same thing going for me that Snooks does, but still--and I would never want to cancel this show. I think it portrays them for who they are and why we love them and most Italians: they are in your face, don't care and are passionate. And, they are hilarious.). YES! I can't wait for the adventures, the creepin', the fake tans, weird-colored blonde hair and endless quotes of amazment. For $10,000/episode (double what they made last season), these folks are work every penny for MTV. Season 2, can't wait.

2) I follow Snooki on Twitter. I don't really care what she Tweets, but I like that I follw her. It makes me feel like her friend. She has over 138,000 followers. That's just awesome.

3) The Situation is on Twitter, but I can't bring myself to follow him. I can't really understand his Tweets. It's like they aren't in English. He only has like 17,000 followers. Ok, I'll follow him. My arm is twisted. Done. A Situation tweet: "NJ age of consent is 16. Nuff said." Classic.

4) The cast is going to be on The View on February 23. I "work from home" so I will be tuning in. EVERYBODY is scheduled to be: Snooks, JWoww, Vinny, Ronnie and Sammi (bore), DJ Pauly D and The Situation! I actually am considering putting this event on my Outlook calendar. Check it out, Feb. 23 11 am EST. Not only am I jazzed to see the cast, I'm way excited to see the Shore cast chat it up with Barbara Walters, Whoopi Goldbert and Joy Behar.

5) The cast is doing The View to promote the launch of Season 1 on DVD, to be released 2/23. Can I preorder? This is awesome. I'm feeling Jersey Shore party in da house!

2010 is looking up! Unemployment rate is down, the groundhog in Raleigh didn't see his shadow so Spring is predicted (I'm not listening to that rodent in Philly) and The Shore is back.


Caught porn-handed

Let me paint the scene for you. A news station in Australia is doing a story on interest rates. They cut live to an Australian bank (or some other financial institution) for an in-depth analysis. And boy does it get in-depth.

As the very important financial guy is talking about interest rates, you can see over his shoulder in the background this guy's computer screen. But, unfortunately, for this guy he wasn't hard at work looking at interest rates or even numbers for that matter. This guy would have been lucky to have been caught on Facebook, MySpace, reading the news, setting up a date, or playing on YouTube. But this poor fella, he was caught looking at nudey pics of Australian model Miranda Kerr (who happens to be engaged to Orlando Bloom).

Now, first off, some reports are saying he was set up. That he received an email that automatically opened the nudey pics (so far I can see this happening) and that at the end it says "Turn Around" which he did. So it seems plausable. UNTIL, I watch the broadcast and see that he's looking at these pictures for a LONG time. I mean we're talking like 45 seconds per picture and there's about 4 pictures. Not only does he not try to close the pictures, he barely moves. He shows no sign of discomfort and is in fact seen talking to another co-worker while he's looking at this pics. My guess is he's looking at nudey pics, the other guy comes over and says something like "uh, dude I think your computer screen is on TV right now." Man freaks out, turns around to verify and BAM! He's caught porn-handed.

Secondily, some are saying he shouldn't lose his job. There's even an online petition and emal campaign to help this banker save his job. Their rationale: "He should not get fired because he has suffered enough and the pictures weren't hardcore porn." Are you kidding me? Because we didn't see her who-ha he should be allowed to continue working in what I believe to be a prestigous profession.

Now, don't get me wrong, I'm not heartless. I feel bad for the guy. But, it's kinda one of those things when you work in a professional setting. You don't look at porn at work. (I'm going to put both soft- and hard-core porn in this broad category.) What type of message would this send to other workers if he keeps his job? That it's okay to look at whatever you want to on your work computer, during work time? That it's okay to look at porn at work, as long as it doesn't show actual nude body parts? This is the craziest thing I've ever heard. I am not judging his worth as a worker or a financial banker man. I'm not even judging him as a person. I'm sure it was harmless. But at the end of the day, you just can't look at porn at work, hard or soft-core.

But, if you do and it's broadcast globally, you may be able to save your job. So before you open up, make sure a news broadcast is in close proximity, if you want to keep your job.

Death Certificates

When Matthew and I were at the beach for our birthday's (December 20 and 23), he broke the news to me of Brittany Murphy's death. I was in shock, couldn't believe, surely he had read it wrong. I seriously was upset for days. I loved her. She was cute and quirky, yet beautiful and talented. In my opinion, she was one of Hollywood's rising starlets. She was like Kate Hudson and Goldie Hawn to me. Just in her category. And, I adored her.

Well, the reports are in and they are reporting that this young beauty "died from pneumonia, with prescription drugs and anemai also playing a role." The saddest thing is they say her death could have prevented had she seen a doctor sooner. An appointment was scheduled for days after death. But, I think when any of us get a cold we don't want to rush to the doctor. We generally try to nurse our way back to health with your typical OTC drugs. Unfortunately, she nursed herself too long without medical attention. They plan to release the names of the prescription drugs that played a role in her death in coming weeks and months. At the end of the day though, I don't care how she did. I'm just sad she did.

Shortly after Brittany's death, socialite Casey Johnson (heirress to the J&J health care products fortune and girlfriend of Tila Tequila) died of a complication from diabetes. Coroners report she died from diabetic ketoacidosis, a life-threatening condition caused by lack of insulin and sky-high blood sugar. Like Murply, they predict Johnson could have possibly been saved had someone checked on her and found her in a diabetic coma within the first 24 hours. But, Tila and Casey were fighting and Casey was alone. I didn't really know who Casey was until reports of her death came through, but still very sad. Another preventable death. Not to mention she leaves behind an adopted daughter, Ava-Monroe.

I know celebs die too, but it always seems surreal when they die young from something not directly drug or alcohol-related. I guess I think they're immune to the same illness that plague the rest of us, but as Casey and Brittany showed us, they are just people, trying to live their lives doing what they do best: entertain the masses.

RIP Brittany and Casey.

Thursday, February 4, 2010

Welcome back Yellow, down the toilet with Brown

This week's episode of The Biggest Loser starts off by bringing back one of our lost teams, yellow or blue. As they step out of their respective cars, it is obvious that both teams have taken the challenge and their weight loss very seriously. At first I didn't who to root for. I felt terrible for blue because the mom fell off the bike in the challenge that sent them home. But, then the yellow guy is dedicating his efforts to helping his daughter so she doesn't have to have the life he has had. So, what do you do? Both teams are just awesome.

In a very emotional weigh-in (I think I cried the first 15 minutes of the episode) blue gets sent home and yellow stays. But, blue did an exceptional job. Daughter blue lost 39 pounds, at home, on her own! The average on the ranch is 45 pounds. That is incredible. I hope she is continuing on her weight loss plan and experiences great success. Yellow dad losts 51 pounds! Together, he and his daughter lost a combined 11.4% of their body weight. I salute both teams.

Then Green mom has severe abdominal pains. Rushed to the hospital, she has emergency surgery to have her appendix and some other stuff removed. I feel kinda bad for being mean to her after the past few episodes. She wasn't losing weight because of her appendix and wasn't feeling really well. After losing the excess baggage, she's crying, missing her daughter and just has me feeling terrible for ever doubting her intentions. The powers of editing.

In the challenge, white brings home the victory! I was so proud of Michael, even if he did beat my gray team. I really think what he is doing is amazing. My expert guess, with all my qualifications and experience, is that with his mother on the ranch he was so focused on her well being that he didn't have time to focus on his own. With her home, he is focused on his weight loss and doing so to improve his life, as well as make his mama proud. I'm not your mama, but I'm proud of ya big fella!

In the weigh in, we almost got rid of one of our red peeps, but no dice. Sadly, brown, on his own, didn't meet his weight loss needed to stay on the ranch and had to go home. BUT, they did show an update and he has lost 104 pounds! And, impregnanted his wife. I guess she really liked the weight loss when he got home from the ranch. Gotta love The Biggest Loser. Making weight go down and the population rise.

Seriously, I don't know what it is about this show, but it is so inspiring and emotional for me. I cry when they lose weight, I cry when they lose challenges, I cry when they win challenges, I cry when they go home and most importantly I cry when they are proud of themselves for the first time. These people, in most cases, have lost all hope and Bob and Jillian help give hope back to them. The world could certainly use a little more hope, a little more happiness and a little more success in it.

In honor of all the contestants and their continued hard work, I have decided to have pizza and mozzeralla sticks for dinner. I will, however, dip it in light ranch, to save on calories and all.