Friday, February 5, 2010

Caught porn-handed

Let me paint the scene for you. A news station in Australia is doing a story on interest rates. They cut live to an Australian bank (or some other financial institution) for an in-depth analysis. And boy does it get in-depth.

As the very important financial guy is talking about interest rates, you can see over his shoulder in the background this guy's computer screen. But, unfortunately, for this guy he wasn't hard at work looking at interest rates or even numbers for that matter. This guy would have been lucky to have been caught on Facebook, MySpace, reading the news, setting up a date, or playing on YouTube. But this poor fella, he was caught looking at nudey pics of Australian model Miranda Kerr (who happens to be engaged to Orlando Bloom).

Now, first off, some reports are saying he was set up. That he received an email that automatically opened the nudey pics (so far I can see this happening) and that at the end it says "Turn Around" which he did. So it seems plausable. UNTIL, I watch the broadcast and see that he's looking at these pictures for a LONG time. I mean we're talking like 45 seconds per picture and there's about 4 pictures. Not only does he not try to close the pictures, he barely moves. He shows no sign of discomfort and is in fact seen talking to another co-worker while he's looking at this pics. My guess is he's looking at nudey pics, the other guy comes over and says something like "uh, dude I think your computer screen is on TV right now." Man freaks out, turns around to verify and BAM! He's caught porn-handed.

Secondily, some are saying he shouldn't lose his job. There's even an online petition and emal campaign to help this banker save his job. Their rationale: "He should not get fired because he has suffered enough and the pictures weren't hardcore porn." Are you kidding me? Because we didn't see her who-ha he should be allowed to continue working in what I believe to be a prestigous profession.

Now, don't get me wrong, I'm not heartless. I feel bad for the guy. But, it's kinda one of those things when you work in a professional setting. You don't look at porn at work. (I'm going to put both soft- and hard-core porn in this broad category.) What type of message would this send to other workers if he keeps his job? That it's okay to look at whatever you want to on your work computer, during work time? That it's okay to look at porn at work, as long as it doesn't show actual nude body parts? This is the craziest thing I've ever heard. I am not judging his worth as a worker or a financial banker man. I'm not even judging him as a person. I'm sure it was harmless. But at the end of the day, you just can't look at porn at work, hard or soft-core.

But, if you do and it's broadcast globally, you may be able to save your job. So before you open up, make sure a news broadcast is in close proximity, if you want to keep your job.

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