Monday, February 1, 2010

Seriously?? Again???

Rewind about 8 and a half months ago.

Our friend Rip Torn (yeah, I still don't know who he is either) was given probation for a drunk driving incident in CT. While being his third DUI, he was only sentenced to probation and admittance into an alcohol program. I don't know what you have to do to have your license actually revoked, but obviously three DUIs ain't it.

Let's see it again, though, for a good chuckle. His mug shot. It really is as good the second time around as it was the first.

Fast forward to today.

This poor fella, while his hair does look a little better, is being charged with criminal trespass, carrying a guy without a permit, carrying a gun while intoxicated, burglary and criminal mischief. Holy crap, Batman. How did this happen??

Well, he broke into a Connecticut bank, carried a loaded gun and blew a .203 (legal limit being .08) on an alcohol breathalizer test. And, believe it or not, it gets worse. He was so drunk he thought he was home, took off his hat and boots, left them by the door and kept asking officers why they were taking him from his home as he was being arrested. One would think after completing an alcohol program from his charge last year would help prevent something like this from happening, but he only completed the first stage of the program. So, now we are at four drunken offenses. I do not with a shred of being in my body believe this poor guy meant anybody any harm. Nor do I believe is he a danger to society, unless he's driving while drunk. He seems like a nice enough fellow. But, when are the courts going to finally realize this guy has a serious problem and do something about it?

I seriously hope for the citizens of CT, Torn himself and his family that he gets some help this time. Some real help. With some real accountability. I mean, if we have to, we could make a great Intervention episode out of this.

Mr. Torn is scheduled to appear on this multitude of charges on February 17. This time, at least, a Christmas tree is not involved.


  1. Annabelle,
    I am one of your readers who's old enough to know who Rip Torn is. Back in the day, he was a comedic actor on film, television and stage. I sent you a bio via email, just so you could see what a sot he ended up being. It's sad that someone with so much talent ends up drinking his life away. But a lot of stars end up doing the same thing (or OD on drugs).

  2. Hey,
    he was in dodgeball he was the guy in the wheel chair that threw the wrench. Just another celeb taking advantage of the system 3rd DUI is shameful. Speaking of shameful no monday madness movie review bbbbbboooooooooooooooo.

  3. I think I'm the only one who doesn't know who this cat is. At least I do now!

    Movie madness coming today. The job search was jam packed yesterday. Stay tuned...
