Sunday, February 21, 2010

Sens' house welcomes a new arrival

Disclaimer: Although Matthew likes the new arrival perhaps more than me and definitely more than the cats, the new arrival does not breathe, require food or use the bathroom. It does, however, bring us lots and lots of joy.

For Christmas this year, I got Matthew a Blu-ray player. Before I purchased it I made sure it would work on one of the televisions in the house. Matthew loved the the new Blu-ray, but did not want to hook it up on the 19 inch in the bedroom. I guess that left something to be desired. Since Christmas, the new player, special HDMI cords and Blu-ray movie have been securely in the corner of the office. (Not for Matthew’s lack of wanting, begging and researching the latest and greatest TVs out on the market).

On Wednesday, out we went to get the next season of Battlestar Galactica. We tried Walmart. No luck. We tried the next Walmart. No luck on season 3. I then insisted HHGregg would have the latest season. It is, after all, just like Best Buy, right? Wrong. It’s just an appliance store. But, after we walked in and navigated through the washers and dryers we found ourselves in the land of the TVs, otherwise known as Matthew’s Dreamland. After more researching and more affliction of the “I have to have a new TV” bug, off we went on Friday to get the new HD for the living room.

Before we even got there, Matthew knew which one we were to take home. We walked in, and there it was. Right next to the newest LED. (We had to leave that one in the store). We tell the guy which one we want and off he goes to locate it in the back. Matthew expresses how much he hopes they have it in the back. I pray they don’t so we can get the “display only” discount. I do like a nice discount.

That’s right folks. I win. None in the back and we are “forced” to buy the display for a 10% discount. I’m starting to smile. I am, however, a little concerned because the screen looks darker than the other ones. Matthew assured me it just wasn’t calibrated, but I’m annoying and like to ask questions so I asked the sales guy, “Is this TV really dark because you didn’t calibrate it right, or because you dropped it and then put it on display.” I get the look of “who brought this lady into the store,” but was told “I didn’t drop this TV.” I, of course, then had to ask if someone else dropped it, maybe one of his buddies. I was again assured the TV had not been dropped.

Now we’re at the checkout. Sale rings up. Discount applied. And, then I go in for the kill again. I tried to use an expired coupon to get another 10% off. It’s sad, I know. Matthew had to leave the area for fear my coupon disease might rub off or the sales guy would kick us out of the store without our new TV. Unfortunately the coupon is not accepted. (I’m still okay with this since we did get the 10% display rate).

Then, Mr. Sales Guy tries to upsell the service package. Now, I love a nice insurance package. In fact, I am gullible enough to have bought one for everything I own (never used one though). But, I’m thinking this is an expensive purchase maybe we should consider it. Can’t be more than $50, right? WRONG! This guy tries to sell us a $200 insurance plan in case something might go wrong. I just tried to use an expired coupon on the DL so this is obviously not what I want to hear. He assures us he doesn’t get commission, and we should really consider this. I ask, “How many people actually ever use this thing?” Apparently 2-3/month call the service number. To me, that’s not enough people to warrant this thing needed, but of course I cave and buy the insurance plan. I always do. We did, however, only get the 2 year plan. (It was cheaper. And, he assured us we could always cancel it and get our money back. Pro-rated of course.)

TV is now officially purchased. But, since it was the on-display model there was no box. Off they go, with our new TV, to package it for safe travels. We go get the car and pull up to the front. Imagine our surprise when they come out with our TV wrapped in what looks like a trashbag. No bubble wrap. Not nice protective coating. Just some black plastic wrap. But, whatever. We’re the proud new owners of a new HDTV. We load it in, trashbag and all, and clip it in place with those rubberbandy things Matthew has in the Jeep. I sit in the back, just in case. Well, let me tell you. Just in case happened about 2 minutes into the trip. The swivel feature of the TV works just fine. Me and the new TV swiveled the entire way home. But, an hour later, we pulled in the driveway with our new arrival.

The rest if pretty boring. Matthew and I carried it in (painful for me). Matthew and Tommy carried the old one out. Matthew hooked everything up, calibrated the settings, checked the sound and admired his new baby from his prime spot on the couch.

We are now two Blu-ray movies in, about 3 discs of Battlestar Galactica watched and have checked every channel featuring HD programming. I have also become even more fascinated with the Olympics because watching people skate and ski is way cooler in HD than not. I’m already gearing up for the Canada/USA hockey game night to see how many ice tracks I can see from the skate. YAY!

The TV is pretty awesome. Matthew is over the moon. And, I can’t wait to watch Maury and Steve Wilkos in HD tomorrow morning.

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