Wednesday, February 17, 2010

Time Travelin' Tearjerker

I'm two days late on Monday Movie Madness, but it's been a crazy few weeks. Matthew and I went up to Jersey/NYC over the weekend to celebrate Valentine's, traveled the whole back (via car) on Sunday and then spent Monday with Tristan at Frankie's and watching movies. Then, yesterday I was in job interview central pretty much being a rockstar. So, here we are on Wednesday, but with a movie review nonetheless.

First off, I've watched a lot of movies over the past few days including either fully or partially (I fall asleep A LOT during movies): Baby Mama, 2012, Couples Retreat, Across the Hall, The Time Traveler's Wife, and Percy Jackon and the Olympians, The Lightening Thief.

I watched Baby Mama while Matthew was working. It's hilarious (second time I had seen it and I think it was actually funnier).

That first night in the hotel room we decided to watch a movie. I immediately suggest "TIME TRAVELERS WIFE!" There was a resounding sigh indicating "I'd rather poke my eyes out and have llamas eat my ears than watch that movie." We went with 2012. The next night. Same thing. We watched Couples Retreat, which was hilarious (at least the parts I was awake for).

Saturday, after walking all of NYC in the blizzard freezing, and with about three hours until dinner, Matthew was in the perfect pounce position for me to suggest Time Traveler's Wife (not to mention it was the day before Valentine's Day). And, as a good boyfriend does, he relented and the viewing commenced.

The reviews were below average, and much below my anticipation so even I was a little skeptical. But, I love Rachel McAdams and Eric Bana so what could go wrong? And, after watching the movie, nothing did and the critics were just down right wrong. The movie was a stellar romantic story. Although a complete tear jerker which had me boohooing the last 30 minutes of the movie. (Disclaimer: I didn't read the book so this revew is based solely on the movie. I don't know if it was better the book so don't ask.)

The setup. Henry time travels for the first time when he is in a car crash with his mom. She dies. Fast forward a bunch of years. Clare sees Henry in the library and already knows everything about him because he has visited her from the time she was a small child (although when he came he was much older than the man she sees in front of her). They date, fall in love and get married. They even have a baby who is also a time traveler. After having the baby time travel out the womb causing Clare to miscarry many times, Henry has a vasectomy. But, then younger Henry time travels to the future and Clare gets pregnant by young Henry. It's crazy. Sadly, Henry is shot and killed while time traveling, leaving behind Clare and their daugther, only seeing them if his younger self time travels to them. The movie ends as Clare runs towards Henry and says "Why didn't you tell me you were coming. I would have waited." And Henry says "I didn't want you to wait." Pass the tissues please.

I don't know how believeable time traveling is. But, for me, that's not what this movie is even about. It's about the amazing bond and love these two people have for each other than can transcend any space or time. Henry loves her so much that he travels to her as a young girl to spend time with her, protect her, and love her. And, through her childhood, adolescence, and adulthood, Clare loves Henry for what he truly is. Even after knowing she's going to lose him so early in life she says, "I wouldn't trade one second of our life together." Isn't that what we all want in life? A love so deep it can transcend time? A love so deep that no matter how or when it ends it was worth it without question? Someone who loves us so much they travel back in time to just to spend time with us as much as possible? The love story in this movie is the kind of love I think we all want and only some of us are lucky to get.

Rachel McAdams gives a stellar performance and on-screen chemistry is there. I felt every emotion Clare felt through Rachel McAdams. When the movie closed, I was truly sad for these characters and wanted to know if Clare got to see Henry again. It was one of those movies that stuck with me for days as I not only mourned the lose of Henry for Clare, but as I relived their passionate love story. I cried not only because Henry died, not only because Clare and her daughter had to lose him, but because Henry and Clare found each other, showing us that is possible to live a life so full of love for another that regardless of the consequences you wouldn't change one single moment.

I give it four pops. It was fabulous.

And, as for my love. I'm glad all my moments are with you.


  1. Wow,
    another strong reaction. I will checked it, 4 pops cool, I usually dont get into time travel stuff but its a love story so cool and if you had such a reaction from the movie i bet the book is great. May pick both up today.

  2. The book is good, Ann. I bet you'd dig it.
