Thursday, February 4, 2010

Welcome back Yellow, down the toilet with Brown

This week's episode of The Biggest Loser starts off by bringing back one of our lost teams, yellow or blue. As they step out of their respective cars, it is obvious that both teams have taken the challenge and their weight loss very seriously. At first I didn't who to root for. I felt terrible for blue because the mom fell off the bike in the challenge that sent them home. But, then the yellow guy is dedicating his efforts to helping his daughter so she doesn't have to have the life he has had. So, what do you do? Both teams are just awesome.

In a very emotional weigh-in (I think I cried the first 15 minutes of the episode) blue gets sent home and yellow stays. But, blue did an exceptional job. Daughter blue lost 39 pounds, at home, on her own! The average on the ranch is 45 pounds. That is incredible. I hope she is continuing on her weight loss plan and experiences great success. Yellow dad losts 51 pounds! Together, he and his daughter lost a combined 11.4% of their body weight. I salute both teams.

Then Green mom has severe abdominal pains. Rushed to the hospital, she has emergency surgery to have her appendix and some other stuff removed. I feel kinda bad for being mean to her after the past few episodes. She wasn't losing weight because of her appendix and wasn't feeling really well. After losing the excess baggage, she's crying, missing her daughter and just has me feeling terrible for ever doubting her intentions. The powers of editing.

In the challenge, white brings home the victory! I was so proud of Michael, even if he did beat my gray team. I really think what he is doing is amazing. My expert guess, with all my qualifications and experience, is that with his mother on the ranch he was so focused on her well being that he didn't have time to focus on his own. With her home, he is focused on his weight loss and doing so to improve his life, as well as make his mama proud. I'm not your mama, but I'm proud of ya big fella!

In the weigh in, we almost got rid of one of our red peeps, but no dice. Sadly, brown, on his own, didn't meet his weight loss needed to stay on the ranch and had to go home. BUT, they did show an update and he has lost 104 pounds! And, impregnanted his wife. I guess she really liked the weight loss when he got home from the ranch. Gotta love The Biggest Loser. Making weight go down and the population rise.

Seriously, I don't know what it is about this show, but it is so inspiring and emotional for me. I cry when they lose weight, I cry when they lose challenges, I cry when they win challenges, I cry when they go home and most importantly I cry when they are proud of themselves for the first time. These people, in most cases, have lost all hope and Bob and Jillian help give hope back to them. The world could certainly use a little more hope, a little more happiness and a little more success in it.

In honor of all the contestants and their continued hard work, I have decided to have pizza and mozzeralla sticks for dinner. I will, however, dip it in light ranch, to save on calories and all.

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