Thursday, February 25, 2010

Snoop Life to Live

Let me give you a little context before I dive in. My mom has watched All My Children for as long as I can remember. In fact, I remember her coming home for lunch every day at 1 pm before I was in school and eating my lunch with her while we watched All My Children (yes I was like 3 or 4). And party because it's something I did with my mom and mostly because I absolutely adore trashy television, I have always been a soap opera fan. I have always watched All My Children, have the All My Children commemorative book and forced my old college roommate Jaimee to go to the soap star fan event in Dallas, Texas a few years back. (And, thanks to Jaimee I had my picture taken with two of my favorite cast members! I was too nervous to speak, but Jaimee busted up in the line, grabbed the guy and essentially forced him to smile while I giddily grinned next to him.)

Now All My Children has its ups and downs. Personally, I like the old peeps from back in the day and don’t like the introduction of these random new characters. I know we need some new people in case the entire cast dies or something, but hold off on the newbies. I am much more interested in my power couple Tad and Dixie. Typically with any soap opera you can catch an episode once or twice every two years or so and completely catch up. Time doesn’t elapse the same in the world of soaps. Things that should take 20 minutes, taken 2 months. It’s just the joy of watching a soap opera. So, I tune in the other morning, just to get a lay of the land, and am pleasantly surprised to see they are bringing back the oldie but goodies. There is Brooke, Tad is a prevalent character, my all-time favorite Greenlee has risen from the dead for the third time, Jack and Erika seem to be working their way back to each others’ arms, etc. I’m excited, hence starting my more regular viewing. (With the help of Soapnet this is a clear slam dunk opportunity for me to get caught back up.)

So I watched it today. It was pretty good, but I’m still getting caught back up. At the end of the show I’m waiting for the “scenes for tomorrow,” only to be disappointed when I got nothing but the show logo. Boo! As I’m getting off the couch to try to do something productive, I hear the teaser for One Life to Live, which follows, saying something about Snoop being on the show. I’m thinking, I didn’t hear that right. And, then, they say it again. I’m still thinking, this must be a new character, maybe they are saying Shoop, some fake band on the show. I don’t really know, but I leave the TV knowing this surely ain’t talking about Snoop Dogg, Snoopy d-o-double g.

Soap operas were born in the 1950s to target stay-at-home moms. The entire premise behind the show concept was for manufacturers such as P&G and Colgate to sponsor and reach stay-at-home moms. Women. Typically aged 25-50. Has that sunk in? Good, I figured it had.

But, after actually looking it up, I find that One Life to Live (OLTL) is actually going to feature Snoop on their show, not once, but for the second time. Now, I don’t know who this is sadder for. Snoop who has stooped to doing soap operas or soap operas for thinking Snoop is a good choice for stay-at-home moms? Snoop’s latest single is Malice in Wonderland, which for me just doesn’t reach out to a 32 year old mom taking care of her two kids. But, what do I know? Snoop always was my favorite. With lyrics like “It’s my house and I live here” how could he not be really?
(Picture from Scott Gries, Getty Images, via

So, Snoop returns to Llanview (I think he returned on the 24th) for the second time in two years to perform a new song. (Way to reach your audience, Snoop.) But, it really gets kinda even more comical. Snoop said he grew up watching the shop and has a special soft spot for Bo Buchanan. That is awesome. Snoop Dogg and I grew up watching the same soap operas on ABC.

Maybe he was at the soap star fan event with me too, just trying to get his picture made.

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