Thursday, March 4, 2010

P-I-M-P Chimp

I haven't blogged here lately (not that anybody cares too terribly much), but nonetheless, I figured I better hop back on the blog train. Choo-Choo.

Entertainment news has been kinda slow lately. The Bachelor picked Vienna, which I guess was a huge deal, but I didn't really watch that show so I couldn't really say one way or the other. I do have to agree with one blogger who said she looked like Hayley Duff. That is 100% correct.

Rumor is Elin is moving back in the Tiger. And, Marie Osmounds son jumped to his death, which was pretty newsy when that happened earlier in the week.

But, overall, I'm feeling like things are slow. But, I did see this article about this straight-up pimpin' chimp in Moscow who has been sent to rehab. Apparently, his addiction to booze and cigarettes was really taking over his life and causing him to beg to zoo visitors for beer and/or cigarettes. In addition, this pimpin' chimp went to another zoo and fathered several baby chimps. This may have been a really good thing and the intended fate when the chimp was moved, but I prefer to think of this drunk chimp, knocking up female chimps and then having a cigarette. That's just awesome to me.

So, the drunk, cigarette-smoking, baby-making chimp is now in rehab to curb "his vice." Maybe next time he'll emerge with an eating disorder and porn addiction. That would be pretty cool, too.


  1. Well,
    I care and by that I mean I care about movie reviews which has been lacking lately. But past that are chimps such a mess as a species that they have their own rehab, where is the chimp rehab and how many are there around the world. Can we get dr drew and oz into this somehow and really get this chimp some help. To up his chimpness and drop his pimpness. As an aside I have read P-I-M-P and it is a great book about poverty and hustling. Great that your back and I am patiently waiting for a review.

  2. Don't fret. I will have a movie review up on Monday, if not one before that too!
