Sunday, January 24, 2010

His name is Farv

Almost Super Bowl time. I don't really know that much football and am pretty sure I don't like the sport itself. But, I am able to support football given the following:

1) I like men in tight pants. Especially on men that have tight ends.

2) I like beer and beer usually goes with football.

3) I like pizza more than beer and usually people eat pizza during the football, while they watch football. Pizza or some other fried food. I am from the south and I like fried foods.

So, for those three reasons I support football. Not to mention, the Super Bowl is always a great excuse for friends to get together, partake in the three things noted above (including that rockin' cheese and sausage dip people like to make) and make bets on the score of each quarter which even I know how to do because it just follows a grid. And, I sometimes win $25 for winning the quarter score. Makes for a great night.

Unfortunately, I am a Panther's fan. My dad's boss is a part owner and let me go to the game last year, sit in the owner's box while we watched the game, ate free food and drank all the free drinks we could. We were inside (it was about 20 outside) and on the 50 yard line. That was awesome so to me that meant the Panthers were too. This has not been the year of the Panther so I must know divert my attention and rooting to another team.

Again, I know nothing about football. I root for colors and hot QBs. As we go into the finals before the Bowl, here's what we're looking at people.

1) Jets vs. Colts (Green vs. Blue)

2) Vikings vs. Saints (Purple vs. Black/White)

In our first game, I'm going Jets. They are green which I think is nice. And, I don't like Peyton that well. He wins everything, leaving poor Eli left giving his all with nothing to really show for it. I don't want to hear about Peyton. I want to hear about poor little Eli. (I know he ain't really poor. I mean he's an NFL quarterback. He makes more money per game than I do per decade...even when I had a job.) Nonetheless, I like Eli, not Peyton and want his team outta here. Mark Sanchez, QB for the Jets is new and supposed to be the new "thing." I'm cheering for the man here. Let him take the green team into a blaze of glory. Unfortunately, I call the Colts winning over the Jets by 10.

Second game. This is the real deal. We're looking at Brett Favre against Drew Brees. First off, I don't know Drew, never heard of the guy. But my boyfriend's 9 year old says he sucks so how cool can he really be? He turns off a 9 year old. More importantly, what about Brett Favre. Other than the fact he is clearly pronouncing his name incorrectly (the v comes before the r not the other way around. If it was Farve, then I'd get it. But I digress. He could probably pay to have the English language rewritten so his name is pronounced Football Dynasty if he wanted to.

Brett Favre. He's amazing. And, 40. A man that is scheduled to turn 41 this year is playing with 20somethings and mopping the floor with them. That shows amazing character, determination, dedication and just straight up awesomeness. I'm 28 and can't kneel without creeking. And this man, he's out there throwing footballs really far and hard and having guys the equivalent of a mac track plowing at him. He should be road kill, but instead he's like a road spike putting these trucks in their place...on the sidelines. The only player to win the AP MPV three consecutive times (1995-1997), leading the Packers to seven division champsionships and winning two Super Bowls, he is a true football great. And, unfortunately, kind of an underdog. I like underdogs and I like Favre. And, the Vikings are purple which is one of my top three favorite colors. I call it Vikings over Saints, 35-30.

I don't really care who wins. I'm really going to paint my nails and eat lasagna before I head to watch the new Lifetime movie Pregnancy Pact. But, the men in my life love football. So the games shall be a blazing from the TV in the kitchen and living room (you wouldn't want to miss that critical play in the three steps betwen the two rooms).

No matter the winner, I look forward to watching the football greatness (well really just snacking during it) in two weeks for the Super Bowl.

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