Friday, January 29, 2010

They may still be the biggest losers

Tuesday rolled around and once again I sat down, food at the ready, to watch the latest installment of The Biggest Loser. For those of you waiting to hear my take and recap on the epsidoe on Wednesday, I apologize for the delay. The red team refused to work with Jillian unless I waited.

So, first off, the red team girl did NOT lose the massive amount of weight I thought I saw in the previews. She did lose around 11 pounds though, which of course makes sense since she threw the last two weigh-ins. The first week she gained a pound and the next she only lost one pound. It was, of course, okay in her mind because her weight didn't count. This week it could have (they ended up with immunity), but she came up big. When we last saw our dreaded red folks they were in disbelief that Jillian and Bob did not believe her lame sob story about "doing everything she could and not losing any weight." On the first season, Matt had a similiar story until they showed some secret night footage of him making all this food and eating it in the middle of the night. So red man argues with Jillian. She of course is like, "Are you serious? Get out of my face." and he then refused to work out with her. We can all guess what happened next. Through her tear stained, snotty nose face, red lady swears on all that is sacred in the world, except her favorite chocolate cake, that she isn't lying. SHE gives Jillan a choice (because Jillian cares I guess). She can either believe her and red lady will work out with her or not believe her and she'll only work out with Bob. You guessed it. Jillian walks off. I think red then realized the error of their ways and decides for the betterment of their lives they should work out with Jillian. I'm glad they were mature enough to realize that the only way they were actually going to lose the extra luggage in their rear was to work out with Jillian. So, happy worker outers again.

Gray team rocked it, as always. I love them and have now declared my favorite. They work hard, are dedicated, cry when approrpriate and always, always push themselves three steps farther than they can actually go. After not being able complete a workout challenge from Jillian and having Jillian admit it was impossible to complete, they pushed and pushed until they did it. And, it paid off. They ended up losing a massive amount of weight, winning a challenge and getting to call their loved ones as a reward. I look forward to seeing them both in the final 3 and one of them as THE biggest loser.

Pink was mediocre. They want it, but not enough to do the hard workouts. I like them so I hope they can step it up in the coming weeks. If not I think we'll see the lights turned out on the mom.

Black is kinda boring, but I like them. I cheer for them each week and get nervous when they are always so close to the bottom line. Bottom line here. You guys gotta push it or you're off the ranch. And, I think the ranch is what is pushing them both to lose weight. At home, I think they'll both lose momentum and ease back into their old ways.

Orange is adorable. I like them.

White man did a great job last week. I'm glad he is really pushing himself to do more now that he is alone on the ranch. Maybe he needed his mom gone to really do this. He cares so much for his mother that I don't think he was able to focus on his own weight loss. I am hopeful he can really change his life.

Purple girl kinda gets on my nerves a little, but I was really proud of her for what she did this week. All by herself, she lost enough of her body weight percentage to stay in the game. At the end of this, she's going to be gorgeous.

Brown guy had me crying when he called his family. He is trying so hard and has a lot of baggage to leave behind. Literally. He may not weigh as much as white guy, but his size is astronomical. I fear he'll have to have surgery to remove excess skin at the end of this. But, better that than having to be put in the ground with all your skin at an early age. He rocked it and is with us for another week.

And the green team. They both want to go home. They are done fighting. They are done dealing with emotional demons, no matter what they are. They are both done. But, only the daughter had to peace out this week. She ended up gaining 20 pounds when she went home and is now focusing on losing weight. I think we know where that is going. I hope I'm wrong. Green mom won't be here much longer. She lost a pound this week and has a negative attitude that she hasn't lost since day 1. I predict she's out next week. And unless it's betwen her and red lady, I'm saying "lata Miggy."

Next week the blue and yellow teams will be back to see who gets to come back to the ranch. All I'm hoping is red lady has to leave the ranch. Or at least stop talking. But, despite all her terribleness, I do admire her for always encouraging and pushing the other contestants to do better. I think, whether it's because they want her to stop talking or because they genuinely respect her, the contestants are pushing harder and doing more becaus of the red zit. So, for that, I am proud of her for changing lives, for the better. Now if she would stop lying to J, I'd like her a lot better.

Next Wednesday, check back for the latest recap. Who you all rooting for? Who's your favorite?

And, I'll end with a J recipe tip. (I call her J cause we're tight like that.) Take an apple and put it in a bowl of water. Microwave for 5 minutes. Then cover it in cinnamon (Skin on). Eat and enjoy a sweet treat for low calories.

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