Friday, January 22, 2010

Oh Jersey Shore, how I will miss you!

Yesterday was a pretty big day for me, filled with two ups and downs. At 2:00 pm I discovered my new favorite obsession. At 11:00 pm it left me, only to join syndication heaven. Although I should be more concerned with such things as finding a job, cleaning the house, losing the extra poundage in my rear and thighs (ok and my stomach), my obsession is, as it is for many others, Jersey Shore on MTV. I'm serious. This show just topped Flavor of Love and I Love New York. I had NO idea this kind of great entertainment was going on without me. It is the greatest hour of entertainment, filled with litle clothing, thick accents, random and not-so-random hook ups, drinking, partying, t-shirt selling and some of the best quotes I have ever heard. For those of you who have missed out, I am sure MTV will give you multitudes of marathons on Hangover Saturday. In the meantime, here's a cast run-down, pretty much in order of greatness (entertainment greatness).

- Mike "The Situation": Fabulous quotes. Amazinly entertaining need to hook up with any female that breathes. Comedic relief and always the center of anything and everything dramatic on the Shore. My fave quotes have come from The Situation, to be listed later.

- Nicole "Snookie": After a rough first night, and leaving me with that "What is wrong with this girl" feeling, Snooks (that's what I call her cause we're BFF's like that) quickly became my favorite of the house. She's fun, so loveably adorable, doesn't really care what anybody thinks and dances to the beat of her own drum. (Literally. She is so amazing that she danced, with no music, by herself, on the Shore boardwalk.) And did you see the smiles on the faces of those around her. She's awesome and I wish I could be more like Snooks. Again, some great quotes here people.

- DJ Pauly D: He's awesome. I love how much I hate his hair and love how much he doesn't care. He is laid back, but still gets his, takes one for the team (the team really only being The Situation) and had stalker Israel girl and handled it with class (and the best "Now who looks crazy?" hang up ending).

- Vinny: He is cute, funny, laid back and has a great smile. He sees like a good guy. I liked him, but nothing too much stands out here. Except that he hooked up with The Situation's sister. Nicely played, Vinny.

- Jenni JWOOWW: Bad ass. Real. Amazing clothes that show more skin than I've ever seen in an acual shirt. And kick ass hair. I loved her and think she could "kill a bitch" if she wanted. Awesome.

- Angelina: Yeah, she got kicked off because she refused to sell t-shirts and then hid in the bathroom so that's kinda what happened there.

- Sammi and Ronnie: They were way too much in love on The Shore to be fun. There was great potential for both, but they went for the heart instead of the hookup. Sammi did say she didn't want Snooks vomit breath on her and that was kinda funny in the second episode.

Favorite Quotes:

- She was a grenande.--The Situation (Note: Pauly took the grenade as part of the team. Until she was just way too much and he slowly exited "The Situation".)
- I'm serious. I'm trying to put you in the equation. I want to put YOU in the EQUATION.--Ronnie (this is how he asked Sammi to be his girlfriend. Oh, the romance of it all.)
- If I had to sleep with somebody in the Shore, it would be Ricky. He's a really nice guy and probably clean.--Snooks (good assessment and qualifying criterion)
- Calm down Freckles McGee.--The Sit (again his booty was leaving and he had to hang on somehow)
- I'm only trashy when I'm drunk--Snooks (as she just said "I think my crotch is hanging out.")

From this point forward, I shall post blogs here and there about my new fav. It takes true trashy entertainment to top Flavor of Love and I Love New York in my favs. These people are real, they don't care what we think and I think that's awesome. All of you, please go back to The Shore next summer and let us share in your adventures with you. Situation, there are countless girls left for you to "creep" on. Don't let our summers end here.

Until we meet again, creep on homies. Creep on.


  1. More Snooki goodness: "Mike can be a nice guy. Like, he shows his good side then he shows his jerk off side. That's what I like: a good guy and a jerk off. It's all in the same."


    "I came home when they were putting in the lobsters, and I was like yo, are those real? That's disgusting. I'm a vet tech. I save animals, I don't kill them."

  2. Classic Snooks. Who doesn't love Snooks? Well, maybe that guy that punched her in the face, but he was an idiot anyway. Vinny almost knocked him out and it prevented The Situation from getting to "hang out" with that girl.

  3. Wait, are you talking about Snickers? Snicks? Snookers? Nicole??

  4. Indeed I am. Knocked her out! And, um, just so we're clear, I call her Snooks.

  5. i know i'm a little late reading this post, but did you see the jersey shore reunion episode? sammi was such a biatch to ronnie when breaking it off.

    the cast (except maybe angelina, who mtv hasn't decided on) is returning for season 2 and word is it will be filmed in miami. i can't imagine the craziness that will ensue. i love this show so much!

    oh, and did you see mike is trying to trademark "the situation" to use on products he sells? problem is his brother already applied for that trademark! sounds like a family fight for sure. GTL for life!
